Sunday, February 26, 2012


If only I really had this much beer...

Well, it took some doing, but my amazing wife found us a beautiful new house!  It's renting at its finest, but it's a step forward.

Which, of course, brings us to the fun part...


And sweet God do I hate packing and moving.

It's time-consuming, back-aching, annoying work.

And it makes you realize just how much crap you really have in your house.

Which also makes you think about why you have all this stuff, and what it really does for you (other than, of course, collect dust and take up space).

And finally, it brings you to the realization that it's not stuff at all that makes you happy!

I mean, if it were stuff alone that made me happy, I'd be a grinning fool, just simply based on the sheer volume of boxes I've carried from one house to another.  And every time I think we've just about got this mountain of things licked, my lovely lady pulls out more stuff from some other nook or cranny that I hadn't even seen before!

It's not stuff that really makes you happy, it's YOU!

You, how you relate with your family, your friends, and most importantly, how you relate to yourself.

Are you making you happy?

And if not, why not?

This is the only life you've got, after all (at least so far as we can readily tell, belief systems aside).


It's crazy but it's true!

So, while you're pondering that one, I'll go put some more boxes in the truck...

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