Saturday, March 26, 2011

The Happiness Sessions

I've been pondering music, life, the Universe, and everything in between, and I keep circling back to one simple question, "Why?"

Why have I pursued music for most of my life despite such little (monetary, at least) return?

What am I getting that overrides the frustration of too-little money in the bank, inattentive audiences, constant requests for "Freebird", equipment maintenance, late nights, writer's block, long hours of practicing, etc, etc?  Why is it worth it?

In short, what's the point?

And as I've thought about it, I realized one major facet of the whole shebang.  My music seems to make people happy.  And ultimately, that makes me happy.

So the ultimate reward from what I'm doing is that I'm making people happier by doing it.

So I've decided to focus my blog a little more on the mechanics of happiness.  Not so much the why's of happiness, but more the how's of happiness.

So stay tuned for tips and tricks to keep your happy purring along and a smile on your face.

'Till next time,

Chad Rushing 

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